1951 Weehawken HS | 1951 continued | 1951 continued |
William Abramowitz | Joan Henderer | Joan Quinton |
Louis Altman | Joseph Hennessy | Rosalyn Raven |
Robert Amdur | Frieda Hess | Charles Reinecke |
Ruth Atz | William Hilferty | Morton Reinstein |
Lorraine Baechtold | William Hilton | Kenneth Reiser |
Marguerite Barrale | Eileen Hohmann | Eugene Rezach |
Franklin Barrega | Jean Hubing | Frank Richardson |
Joseph Barsa | Robert Karlstein | Lorraine Rienzo |
Michael Batten | Sheila Karlstein | Janet Rista |
Rosemarie Bickel | Margot Kastner | Roland Rogers |
Barbara Billingham | Philip Keller | Irving Rosen |
Joan Binder | Ronald Kerdasha | Rosemarie Rudd |
George Blondell | Marguerite King | Catherine Ruppert |
Stephen Bogardo | Evelyn Klees | Agnes Ryan |
Joan Boulanger | John Kleine | Dianne Schloeder |
Robert Brennert | Harvey Knaster | Helen Schmidt |
Philip Butta | Joan Knebel | Irene Schnackenberg |
Evelyn Buttke | Anita Koch | Myrna Schor |
Anna Marie Cambria | Claire Krucher | Ronald Schreier |
Dorothy Cannon | Helen Laverty | Elizabeth Schroeder |
Patricia Carr | Patricia Laverty | Edith Schultheis |
Janet Cecilia | Ethel Learn | Albert Schumann |
Kenneth Christiansen | Adelchi Leone | Edward Schwartz |
Martin Cohen | Frances Lever | Adele Scrivani |
John Cosgrove | Helen Lischke | Hope Silverstein |
William Crimmins | Martin Listner | Karlene Skoldberg |
Margaret Cuddy | Arlene Long | Edward Smith |
Carolyn Damrosch | William Looney | Mary Lou Smith |
Henry Degelmann | John Mahon | Leila Solomon |
Carmella Della Fontane | Mary Marcelon | Joel Sprayregen |
Stanley Dello Iacono | Gerald Margolis | Sanford Stele |
Edward Demarais | Henry Matthies | Barry Stieglitz |
Robert Diehl | George McClary | John Strole |
Herbert Dillon | Patricia McGauley | Robert Sturmfels |
Barbara Dorsey | Theodore Meinke | Michael Swift |
Joan Dorsey | Anne Miles | Betty Tannenbaum |
Thomas Doyle | Richard Moeller | Estelle Tarantino |
Carol Dudley | Lena Moran | Arpena Tavitian |
David Dworken | Patricia Moran | Rita Templa |
Jean Eger | Eugene Murray | Isabelle Thorp |
Matis Feit | Fred Mutz | Margaret Turrian |
Charlotte Finck | Elizabeth Neumaier | Armand Viettez |
Robert Fleckenstein | Doris Noseda | Sandra Wallachy |
Rose Friedman | Rhoda Noveck | John Werner |
Frances Frye | Mildred Obradovich | Joan Wey |
Joan Ganzell | Joan Oliver | Charles Wilkens |
Rosemarie Garito | Raymond O’Neill | Lawrence Williamson |
Muriel Gaskin | Helene Oxenhandler | Saul Winitz |
James Gaughran | Stella Pappas | Julian Wisniewski |
Raymond Gonseth | Dorothy Paris | Albert Wolf |
Lorraine Gousen | Bernadine Passante | Alfred Wolfram |
James Graham | Rudolph Pfister | Michael Wolfson |
Richard Groesbeck | George Politis | Arthur Wynott |
Janet Haas | Edgar Prout | Fred Yunginger |
Peter Heagney | Joan Puth | Richard Zogheb |
continued | continued | by Kathleen Sienkiewicz |
Genealogy Blog with links to information for Hudson County, New Jersey. These are copies of pages from my website. Jersey City, Bayonne, Hoboken, Union City, West New York, Guttenberg, Secaucus, Kearny, Harrison, East Newark, North Bergen, Weehawken.