Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Union Hill Graduates 1902 Union City, NJ

Union Hill 1902

Hattie Cray
Elizabeth Connolly
Lydia Dunner
Evelyn Ewalt
Anna Fezsner
Freda Frisch
Jennie Guthke
Ethel Husted
Frances Kreyling
Fanny Kraus
Ada Littleton
Christina Lohaus
Gertrude Ortel
Hattie Pfleger
Nellie Still
Louise Smith
Cynthia Walker
Rosie Weitz

Robert Conty
Percy Gordon
Kurt Jappe
Frank Jordan
Gilmore Kinney
Edwin Mosier
Peter Minck

transcribed by Ed

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Many more Dickinson High School graduates Jersey City

Dickinson High School graduates
Jersey City, Hudson County, NJ

(Links to:)

Transcribed by Karl Gansberg 

1913-1917, 1924, 1926-1928, 1930-1932


or alphabetical   A-FG-LM-RS-Z   

his lists are hosted by Hudson County NJGenWeb Archives

1922 June Dickinson High School graduates Jersey City

1922 June Dickinson High School graduates
Jersey City

Anna Mae AllisonVera Lipschultz
Rose E AndriolaLeslie Lozier
Belle AnselMary McCarthy
Lillian ArzingerMarion McCormack
Edith AymarMargaret McDermott
Dorothy BakerWinifred McNeil
Frances BauerMathilda Mirepoisky
Marguerite BauerEdna Mollenhauer
Carrie L BeckmannElvie Morris
Mary Teresa BrandoMabel Morris
Emily G BrauerBertha Morrisy
Sadie BrodskyMabel Moye
Adele BullochMildred Neuman
Helen ChaplykGrace Newkirk
Anna CohenMadeline Ortlieb
Catherine Pasqua ColistaAlice Palmateer
Mary CouseMary Pauly
Charlotte DormanCarolyn Platt
Marguerite DownesGertrude Prigge
Kathryn DuganLucy Rehill
Helen EngelBernice Loech
Evelyn ErskineKatie Rosenblum
Gertrude FarleyFlorence Rosenthal
Fannie FlaisingMildred Rossy
Florence FriedmanEmily Rubin
Gertrude GintyThua Sandstrom
Gussie GoldrichFanny Schenker
Catherine GrayMildred Schrader
Gertrude GreenbergLeila Schultz
Esther GrossEllen Sepenuk
Eleanour HarringtonSarah Sinakin
Irene HendelCharlotte Smith
Claire HigginsSerena Smith
Anna HorowitzR Margherita Sorbera
Evelyn HudsonCecelia Spector
Evelyn JacobowitzLillian Steinberg
Jeanette JacobowitzRegina Stern
Marie JanssenEleonore M Thomassin
Katherine KingMarie A Thomassin
Johanna KirschMona M Twomy
Ethel KlausnerLillian Tyne
Evelyn KloeblenMinnie Ullman
Kathryn KohnfelderEsther Vagg
Genevieve KoprowskiCharlotte Walter
Madaline V KorellRae Waters
Helen KostowskiElla W Weinberger
Anna LabensT. Tessie Weisenfeld
Marguerite LambertGrace Elizabeth Weiss
Elsie LangstrothRuth Weisenborn
Alice LeatherMildred F Wilson
Leonore LevyDorothea La Vie Zinke

Walter AlbertsRobert Kull
James AndersonSamuel Kutchinsky
Joseph Anderson JrEdwin Lahm
Stephen BalchanRubin Leibowitz
Richard BarrowCamille Lemonier
Harry BeachEmil Lewandowski
Julius BelinkoffJustus Liebig
Frank BennisErnest Lundt
Dante BenzoniHarry Machkowsky
Herbert BlenkleKenneth Magee
Frederick BlumeArthur Mahler
Harry BoyerJames Manziano
Thomas F CallahanVincent Matera
Sidney CashBenjamin Michael
Frank ClancyHenry Neumann
Wilbur CoeWilliam Neumann
G. Milton ColeAlexander Nicols
Joseph De FonceCharles Okie
John DewarJohn ONeill
John DonnellyWilliam Paasch
Thomas DoranArthur Palmera
Herman DrosselmeyerJohn Pangaro
Barney EpsteinWilliam Pepper
Elmer FallerJohn Powell
John H FarrellWilliam Reeb
Herbert FeinenJohn Reehill
Karl FranckJohn Reilly
Max FrushtickWilliam Reilly
Eric GlassArnold Reitze
Joseph GreceLawrence Rogovin
C. Arthur GregoryDavid Rohrberg
Harry F Hanf JrArthur Rosenthal
John HendersonMaurice Schoenfeld
Robert HigsonAbram Sepenuk
Solomon HirschHenry K Siemers
Frank HotzEdward Silver
Nicholas Introcaso JrRichard Slauer
Roy JohnsonWilliam Steinberg
Morris KaplanAdolf Stoenler
John Kip JrDavid Toplitzky
Jacob KleinAbraham Werblowsky
Fred KruseClifford Witt
Norman Zucchino

transcribed by Ed.
 Copyright. All rights reserved. For your personal use.

1922 January Dickinson High School graduates Jersey City

1922 January Dickinson High School graduates
Jersey City

Ruth BatesBeatrice A LeCraft
Alice M BauhanHelen Mitchell Lowe
Elizabeth M BehnkenEvelyn McCloskey
Beatrice BollinMarie Mespirit
Frieda BresnickCharlotte Moore
Mary Louise ButterfieldIda Oshein
Mary Cecilia ButtimoreLucy June Parsek
Mary Crosby CunliffeMargaret Pashelinsky
Clara Margaret DaviesHelen Peters
Marie E DeckeImeierGenevieve Pfohl
Joseph M De LorenzoDorothy M Pitcher
Josephine DeMarcoEva Radding
Jeannette DuncanMary Ram
Blanche M FelixMarie Riall
Henrietta D FickeSilvia Ricciardelli
Enis R FinaleEvelyn Rolf
Grace M FinckLillian Rosener
Edna FinkelsteinMary Rubacky
Sadie FiegelGrace Rusch
Miriam Harriet FredmanMarguerite Schawl
Gertrude Jene FreundEthel Schnecioch
Christine Marie FalardiDorothy Sears
Emma GeiserElizabeth Steiger
Maria Rose GiordanoClara Stolowitz
Anna GlucksmanHelen Sundvik
Fannie GoodwaldHelen Tobin
Anna Dorothy GreenspanSelma Todd
Catherine Agnes GriffinAlice Tuohy
Frances C GrimsleyEleanor Uchtman
Gertrude Nina HaycockIda Udinsky
Marion Louis HendersonEleanor Walker
Esther H HorowitzAnna Wellbrock
Ruth Gwendolyn HumphreyFrances Winterton
Louis L IntrocasoDorothy Ziegener
Gladys M JaegerElizabeth Zingaro
Silvia H JancowerLillian Zucker
Helen Harriett Jarvis
Mildred Joerg
Wanda M Kwialkowski
Rena Janet Kizer
Beatrice A LeCraft
Helen Mitchell Lowe

Nicholas AccordianFrederick Krampert
Louis AmdorI. Irving Labul
Charles AuerMichael Leone
Edward BarisonIrving F Lewis
Leon E BehrEdmond P Loven
Nathaniel BodnerJohn P Lynch
Frank J BowyerArthur Marangelo
Leon BrauerHarry Mendelson
Louis P BrennerErwin Meurer
Vernurn CalhounHenry John Meyer
Fred ChipersteinArthur Mitchell
Morris CohenJoseph Olsen
Samuel CohenSidney Oshrin
Jacob CorninAllen Palmer
Abraham DeutelHenry Pass
Cornelius DippelAlexander Radionoff
Fred FelsenfeldErwin Joseph Rainer
Herbert FiskLoring I Reinhard
Edgar FortenbaughHarry Robert Rey
Irving GoldsteinFrederick Robinson
Solomon GoldsteinAbraham Rosenblum
Abraham GottliebHerbert Ruskin
James GranataHerman Schlenger
Philip GrassmannMorton Shiner
Walter Frank GrunerClifford C Slaudinger
Abraham BassLouis Struhl
Howard HillasSamuel Tober
Elvin HosbachPaul Vargo
Charles HotzHerman Weinstein
Charles James Arthur N Weitz
Samuel KaplanA. Judson Winterton
Moses KoopersteinRoy A Wohlfarth
transcribed by Ed
          Copyright. All rights reserved. For your personal use.

Holy Family Academy Alumni 1928-1955 Bayonne, NJ

Holy Family Academy Alumni 1928-1955

This database contains the names and graduation year of Holy Family Academy Alumni from 1928-1955 and is the result of the work of Bill Miller who has given permission for The Hudson County Genealogical Society to post it on its web site for free access.


Friday, October 28, 2016

Bayonne Technical High School Alumni 1928-1955

Bayonne Technical High School Alumni 1928-1955 (-1945)

The Hudson County Genealogical & Historical Society offers this database courtesy of member Bill Miller, who has compiled a list of members of classes graduating from Bayonne Technical High School, Bayonne, NJ from 1928-1955.

Here's the link to his index on their website:


Bayonne Evening High School Graduates 1929-1955

Bayonne Evening High School Graduates 1929-1955 (1945)

The Hudson County Genealogical & Historical Society offers this database courtesy of member Bill Miller, who has compiled a list of graduates from Bayonne Evening High School, Bayonne, New Jersey for the years 1929-1955.

This is the link to their page:

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Bayonne High School Alumni

Bayonne High School Alumni  1916-1955 (no 1945)

This is the link to:

The Hudson County Genealogical & Historical Society offers this database courtesy of member Bill Miller, who has compiled a list of Bayonne High School alumni from the February and June classes from 1916 to 1955.

Many years had two graduating classes, January and June.

This database has been on the internet for many years.

We thank Bill Miller!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

1937 Ferris HS January graduates Jersey City

1937 Ferris January1937 Ferris continued

Grace AdreyLydia Polichemi
Lucille AmetranoEmanuel Raichelson
Helen BissLucy Ricciardelli
Helen BogaczConcetta Ricciardi
Armando CalabreseDaniel Rosenblum
Anthony CalabroCharles Sanfilippo
Lucy CiskiRose Sbano
Abraham DershowitzRuth Seidman
Mary DonovanThelma Shefts
Dorothy EickenDorothy Silverstein
Helen KarbaszRosalyn Silverstein
Miriam KookGeorge Spadora
Angelina LiberatoreBernard Spirito
Margaret LillisAngela Stasio
Chester LipkaAngelina Tabbi
Dorothy LoitermanHerbert Tannenbaum
Dominic MazzacaroHelen Turewicz
William McGuinnessEdward Tybus
Peter MonacoFlorence Weintraub
Antoinette NudicusMary Winick
Anna Panzinotranscribed by Ed

1886 No. 7 Grammar Jersey City graduates

1886 No. 7 Grammar
Jersey City

Maggie McAdam
Lizzie Bishop
Sadie DeMartini
Nellie Edwards
Theresa Feinan
Belle Harvie
Marie Kunsh
Edgar Loveridge
Jessie Macmillan
Lizzie Mealiff
Ida Meibury
Andrew Nelson
Emma Payne
Willie Van Derzee
Fred Walker
Edgar Thorp Wheeler
Herbert Wheeler
Josie Wild
Lottie Williams

transcribed by Ed

1880 June Jersey City HS graduates

1880 June Jersey City HS1880 June Jersey City HS
William Abbott Constance Hewetson
Christian Clausen Sarah Hunt
Morris Cohen Viola Hyatt
Edward Coovor Mary Jack
Marcus Coughlin Margaret Kaiser
Cornelius Duncan Lilla Krugler
Frank Hopkins Thirza Lavence
Daniel Hunt Nellie Leach
Emil Klein Ceinwin Liewelyn
Bartlett Sinclair Maggie Liewelyn
Robert Taierry Anna McCune
Edgar Varick Susan McHorney
Fannie Albertson Anna Mahlstedt
Alma Aumack Martha Mellor
Louise Beiderhase Anna Morse
Jessie Bennett Jennie Myers
Helen Botzong Minnie Noble
Ella Boylan Helen Pugh
Rosalie Burchard Eleanor Robertson
Ida Catlin Ella Roe
Jessie Chapman Nettie Saunier
Jessie Chidester Sarah Scott
Ida CrozierSara Sickels
Mary Daniels Georgietta Smith
Tillie Ely Mary Stokes
Annie Fields Louisa Wetzel
Lizzie GerlacbHattie Winfield
Isabel Hardy Anna Young
Georgie Harman transcribed by Ed