Monday, September 19, 2016

1942 St Joseph HS of the Palisades West New York NJ

1942 St Joseph HS
of the Palisades

Joseph Appert
Agnes Barnovich
Andrew Bauer
Joan Blank
John Bracken
Francis Bradley
George Brunner
Raymond Buckman
Lillian Caulfield
Magdalen Caulfield
John Connolly
Rita Corlett
Anastasia Dooley
Thomas Duffy
Rosemary Esposito
Rosemary Fagan
Minnie Faresich
Robert Faselt
Lawrence Fearon
Hilary Finneran
Catherine Fitzgerald
Pat Forenza
Joseph Gorman
Gerald Griffin
Francis Hackel
Hugo Hanke
William Harnapp
John Hayden
Ralph Herdman
Mary Karl
Doris Kelly
Gertrude Kiniry
Wilfred Lawrence
Cecilia Leyden
William Luther
Marie Maire
John Marquardt
Alfred Martin
Marion Mccall
Margaret Mckernan
Joseph Melosh
Robert Miller
Thomas Miller
Eileen Morrison
James Mooney
Helen Murphy
Patricia O'connell
Mary O'keefe
Marie O'rourke
Yolanda Peragallo
Edward Pilling
Angela Policastro
Marguerite Reilly
Rose Reilly
Eleanor Rispoli
William Ryan
Marion Sanders
Catherine Santangelo
Francis Schaack
Madeline Schmelz
Madeline Schwarz
Arthur Taurozzi
Eileen Taylor
Doris Toomey
Thomas Toomey
Henry Tweitmann
John Waldron
Calvin Westhelle
John Wiegartner
Eleanor Williams
Anna Zec
Robert Zimmerman

indexed by Ed